Dear Black Parents…

Black Parents, Not all of you, just the ones embarrassing their children online. Can you stop posting videos of you disciplining your kids? We get it. You’re a tough parent. You don’t mess around. You’re committed to your child being a productive, law abiding citizen. You’re willing to sacrifice, and demonstrate tough love. You don’t […]

Lupus Lessons: #1

A good friend reminded me both our physical and spiritual bodies share a circulatory system.  Which brought me to the realization that not only is my physical body going through this Lupus flare, my spiritual body is as well.  For the past 3 months, I have been in the most excruciating pain. I was having […]

Talent Ain’t Shit

When I have kids, I’m going to do them a favor.  I’m going to teach them TALENT AIN’T SHIT.  The more I look around, the more I see mediocre foolishness.  I used to think it was just comedy, but then I started looking on TV, at my numerous jobs, even at some of my girlfriends […]